Our expert tutors are world-leading tax specialists and experienced professional practitioners. They teach the ADIT programme in Greece exclusively with Altium Training.
Primary Tutors and Module Directors
Professor Christiana HJI Panayi
Professor and Chair in Tax Law at Queen Mary, University of London. Visiting Professor at Cambridge University, New York University and Sorbonne. Appointed as expert member of the EU Commission’s Joint Transfer Pricing Forum (JTPF) and Platform for Tax Good Governance. Member of the ADIT Examination Sub-Committee. Teaching the ADIT programme with Altium Training since 2011.
Dr Katerina Perrou, ADIT
Doctor of Tax Law (University of London). Attorney-at-law in the Supreme Court of Greece. Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Athens Law School. Research Fellow at the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD). Teaching the ADIT programme with Altium Training since 2011.
Adjunct Tutors
Alex Karopoulos
Tax Partner in the law firm of Zepos & Yannopoulos. Head of department of indirect taxation. Leading VAT specialist.
Kostas Kounadis, ADIT
Master 2 (DEA) in Public Law from Aix-Marseille University. Bachelor in Law from University of Athens. Diploma in Taxation from Athens University of Business and Economy. Attorney-at-Law, and Tax Manager at Grant Thornton.
Christos Kourouniotis
Associate Partner at Ernst and Young Global Ltd. Expert in Transfer Pricing, Corporate and International Taxation.
Dr Andreas Tsourouflis
Lecturer in Tax Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Athens. Attorney-at-Law specializing in tax.